How to Reduce Electricity Bill in India

How to Reduce Electricity Bill

Are you searching for methods for ‘How to Reduce electricity bill?’ Customers should always be on the lookout for low-cost electricity plans, but there are other ways to save money outside merely purchasing electricity at a lower cost.

There are a number of tips to reduce electricity bill at home, ranging from small alterations to major housing improvements. The two major motivations for conserving energy are to save money on power bills and to preserve the environment.

The most frequent techniques to conserve energy and save electricity in your home are described below, from the most basic to the most complex. Here, I will give five ways in which you can save energy at home.

How to Reduce Electricity Consumption

1) Switch Off Appliances and Electronics That Aren’t in Use

This is undoubtedly something you’ve heard before. When not in use, your television, Air conditioner, heater, computer, and audio may be huge energy hogs.

This is indicated by the little light that remains lighted, indicating that these gadgets are still consuming power. It’s simple to turn off your gadgets with just one button if you use a shared power strip or extension box.

Other devices, such as your smart TV or Roku, may need to be turned on for software updates, but you can still put them in power saving mode when they aren’t in use.

To get the most cost savings out of these goods, go through the settings and modify the default to the shortest duration until sleep mode kicks in.

2) Insulate Your Home Well

Insulation helps you save money on your power bills by conserving heat in the winter and preventing heat from entering your home in the summer.

You can save money on heating and cooling by properly insulating your residence. The most of energy loss in homes occurs through windows. In this scenario, double glazing can assist keep the heat inside.

External shades or blinds can also be used to make the interiors warm and relaxing. Taking the time to evaluate the doors to your home can be a major contributing factor to your energy costs. A door acts as a sealant for any form of energy going on inside your home, the less reliable the door, the more expensive the energy costs are going to be.

Take the time to make sure that the doors of your home are weather-resistant, energy efficient, and provide security to the home that you deserve. When the air conditioner is turned on, ensuring the windows and doors are properly closed will also assist in saving energy by considerable amount.

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3) Using Home Appliances and Electronics Strategically

When it comes to lowering your electric cost, strategically using appliances may be quite beneficial because it allows us to be more efficient with what we do.

This can be seen in a variety of situations, as everything from the dishwasher to the washing machine may be manipulated to save money.

Following are the examples of Home Appliances and Electronics to be used wisely in order to reduce your electricity bill thereby cutting down your energy consumption.

Air Conditioners

To beat the summer heat, use ceiling or table fans. Ceiling fans, for example, cost only 30 paise per hour to run, which is far less than air conditioners (Rs 10 per hour).

To save money on power, set the room air conditioner to 25°C.
By shading your home’s windows and walls, you can save as much as 40% on air conditioning energy.

Once a month, change the air conditioner filter. A clogged air filter restricts airflow and may cause the equipment to malfunction.

The alternative way of cooling the room is by using the fans.

Plant trees and plants to shield your home from the sun’s heat.

Close the doors and the windows of the room when the air-conditioner is ON.

Replace your outdated air conditioner with a new energy-efficient model.


Refrigerators should be kept away from any sources of heat, such as direct sunlight, the oven, and the stove.

Allow ample room around the refrigerator for continuous ventilation.

Allow hot and heated foods to cool prior storing them in the refrigerator, and cover them well.

Ensure the rubber door seals on the refrigerator are clean and firm.

Clean the coils on a regular basis to ensure that air may easily circulate.

For a manual defrost refrigerator, defrost the freezer section on a regular basis.

Did you know that keeping a full refrigerator can help you save money on electricity? The food and drinks you put in your fridge and freezer act as insulation, reducing the amount of effort your refrigerator has to do to keep things cool. Saved energy!

Microwave Ovens & Electric Kettles

Microwaves save energy by speeding up the cooking process. In fact, utilizing a microwave rather than a normal oven can save you up to 50% on cooking energy costs, especially for modest amounts of food.

Place larger and thicker items on the outside of the pan if you’re cooking more than one item.

To boil the water, use an electric kettle because it is more energy efficient. It saves energy by speeding up the cooking process. In fact, utilizing a microwave rather than a normal oven can save you up to 50% on cooking energy costs, especially for modest amounts of food.

Place larger and thicker items on the outside of the pan if you’re cooking more than one item.
To boil the water, use an electric kettle because it is more energy efficient.

To eliminate mineral deposits, clean your electric kettle with a solution of hot water and vinegar on a regular basis.

Don’t overfill the kettle if you’re only going to make one drink. Only heat the quantity of water you’ll need.

Computers / TV

When you’re not using your computer or TV, turn it off.

Rather than purchasing a desktop computer, consider purchasing a laptop. It will be more practical and energy-saving.

Computer screen savers are entertaining, but they consume energy. Instead, When computers, monitors, and copiers are not in use, put them on sleep mode to save up to 40% on energy costs.

Although strategies vary depending on your present consumption habits, doing your best to employ them properly is a guaranteed method to put money back in your pocket.

4) Switch to LEDs

Conventional incandescent light bulbs use a lot of energy and need to be changed more frequently than their energy-efficient LEDs.

The average 60 watt equivalent LED uses only nine watts of electricity, compared to 13 watts for the same equivalence CFL (compact fluorescent lamp).

That may not seem like much, but it represents a 30 percent reduction in electricity use per LED light. When you consider the number of light bulbs in your home, this is a significant cost reduction.

Despite LEDs are initially more expensive, their efficient energy use and longer lifespan result in lower long-term costs. LEDs also have a longer lifespan than CFLs, making them a superior investment.

5) Make Your Home Smarter

Smart homes are becoming increasingly popular, and with good reason. Many of the smart devices developed for residential use are excellent at reducing energy use.

Smart thermostats, such as the Nest Thermostat 3rd Generation or the Ecobee, can regulate themselves automatically when you’re not at home and come with capabilities to help you monitor your entire electricity consumption.

When you’re not at home, smart light bulbs can be programmed to dim or turn off completely until the conclusion of your journey home. Using features such as custom profiles can help much more, and you can even switch the lights on and off remotely when they’re not in use.

Apart from the above five major ways, you can follow some additional tips for ‘How to Reduce Electricity Bill’.

  1. Going Solar can help you save money on your energy bill and improve the efficiency of your home. Solar power is a well-known renewable energy source that decreases your carbon footprint while also saving you money.
  2. Wherever possible, use infrared sensors, motion detectors, automatic timers, dimmers, and solar cells to turn on and off electrical circuits.
  3. Make use of task lighting. For example, a reading lamp illuminates only the reading material instead of the entire room.
  4. Clean your tube lights and lamps on a regular basis. Tube lights and bulbs that are dirty reflect lesser light and absorb 50% of it.
  5. Make sure all of your appliances are in working order. Appliances that aren’t working properly are a waste of energy in your house. On a regular basis, make sure that all appliances are cleaned, fixed, and working properly.
  6. Another step you can undertake to save money and energy is to switch to an instant water heater. These water heaters have a longer lifespan than typical tank water heaters, making them more cost effective. Switching to instant water heaters is a great alternative because they save 25% on electricity.
  7. Invest in energy-saving appliances. When shopping for an energy-efficient appliance, seek for the ENERGY STAR label, which guarantees that the device will consume less energy while in use and when on standby than regular models.
  8. Unplug devices while they are not in use. Do not keep equipment on standby; instead, unplug them to save money and the environment.
  9. Double glazing doors and windows are an excellent choice for a modern home since they may dramatically cut greenhouse gas emissions from heating and cooling, minimizing your carbon footprint and energy expenditures.
  10. Allow your dishes to air-dry, while we’re on the subject of laundry and dishes. Instead of utilizing the drying function on your dishwasher. When it comes to clothes, hang them outside to dry.
  11. Unplugging battery chargers is one of the most easily overlooked ways to save electricity. We don’t even realize we’re doing it. When the batteries are fully charged, unplug the chargers. Even when a device is not being charged, most chargers continue to take power.
  12. Use natural light as much as possible. Using natural light instead of closing the curtains and blinds and working under the lights would be both cost effective and relaxing.
  13. Light-colored walls reflect existing natural light, decreasing the need for artificial lighting. When possible, take advantage of natural light. Not only will you save electricity, but your mood will also improve.
  14. Plug in a power strip if you have a variety of electronics or appliances that need an electrical outlet. When these objects aren’t in use, turn them all off at the same time to avoid Hugh energy loss.

Few Changes can be a World of Difference

Above were our tips on ‘How to Reduce Electricity Bill’. Taking the time to evaluate a few changes to your home for energy efficiency can lead to you saving lots of money. Instead of spending money on an unpredictable energy bill you can find yourself in a seat of control and manipulating these costs toward something far easier to afford.

Making the effort to cut costs on the energy expense of your home will not only save you some money, but could very well make your home much more comfortable as well. Begin with the simple ones and work your way up to the more difficult ones.

Take a look into the options available to you and you won’t regret it. With a few lifestyle modifications and a little elbow effort, you can save a lot of money with above ways to reduce electricity bill at home.

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